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How Much Does PPC Cost? PPC Pricing Guide

In general, businesses spend between £250 and £70 million on PPC campaigns annually. It is not uncommon for large corporations to invest millions each year. There are several factors that influence PPC costs. It is important to consider the size of your website, your PPC budget, the duration for which you will be running PPC ads, the preferred PPC network, and the company offering PPC services. A pay-per-click advertisement’s cost is determined by the number of clicks it receives and even the timing of the advertisement.

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The average PPC costs that you could consider before you start opting for PPC services

PPC Metrics Approximate PPC Cost
CPC - Cost Per Click £2.50 per click
PPC Remarketing £0.50 to £1.00 per click
CPM - Cost Per Mile £2.50 per 1000 Impressions
PPC Services £500 to £4500 per month or 15-30% of ad spend per month

How Is PPC Price Calculated?

In order to calculate the PPC price, a formula is used. This is how the formula looks:

Number Of Customers (NOC) = [Target Revenue / Number Of Sales Periods A Campaign Will Run] / Per Customer Average Sales.

There are many factors that contribute to the PPC price. For example, PPC costs for small businesses are lower than those for large corporations. It is important to note that if a business wishes to run PPC advertisements on a regular basis, this becomes an ongoing cost that has to be paid on a monthly basis.

Once you have the PPC price, the PPC budget can be your next step.

How Is the PPC Budget Calculated?

The PPC budget can be calculated with the following formula once you have the PPC price calculations.

PPC Budget = [(NOC / Sales Team Conversion Rate) / Website Conversion Rate] * Cost Per Click (COC)

Businesses decide on their PPC budgets after considering many factors that their business will require. Determining your PPC budget is one of the important factors once you decide to run PPC ad campaigns. One can decide on the PPC budget, by considering these below tips:

  • Select the campaign type that best suits your business.
  • Consider the potential length of the PPC campaign.
  • Identify the maximum amount you could spend on the campaign.
  • Decide whether you’ll work with PPC service providers or run the campaign on your own.
  • Define the timeline for the campaign.
  • Select the number of campaigns you wish to run at once.

Once you decide on these basic questions, you will be able to decide on the general PPC budget that you can utilise for your business.

What Are Professional PPC Services?

PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising. In the event that you wish to run PPC campaigns for your business and lack the expertise to manage them all, PPC professionals come into play. These professional PPC services are chargeable on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending on your PPC service provider.

PPC Pricing Guide

How Much Should I Invest In PPC?

You should make your PPC investment solely based on the exposure that your business needs online. It is possible to start with a minimum of £250. The ideal amount to invest in PPC would be £1000 in order to see visible results. If you choose to use professional services, your PPC investment will be determined by the plan you select from your provider.

You will also have to consider certain factors when determining how much you should invest in your PPC campaigns.

  • Your PPC budget
  • The goals you need to achieve
  • The strategy you’ll utilise
  • Your business size
  • The industry in which your business operates

As a result of all these factors, you would be able to determine your PPC investment more easily.

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What Is The Cost Of PPC For Companies Of Different Sizes?

Consider the four most common company sizes and determine the average cost of PPC for each. Startups, small businesses, medium-sized businesses, and enterprises. The majority of companies invest between 5% and 10% of their revenue in marketing. It is therefore possible to determine the PPC cost based on the size of the company.

The Size Of The Company Approximate PPC Services Cost
A Small Start Up £250 to £1000 per month
Small Scale Business £1000 to £8000 per month
Middle Scale Business £8000 to £400,000 per month
Big Enterprise - Large Scale £400,000 to £700,000,00 per month

What Are The 4C's Of PPC?

Most PPC campaigns revolve around four core principles, or 4C’s, as many marketers call them. These are Customer, Communication, Cost and Channels. These factors must be taken into account to reach your goal. They may, however, be influenced by factors such as government policies, customer needs, and company changes.

Are PPC Ads Worth It?

Yes! There is no doubt that PPC ads are worthwhile. This is the most efficient and cost-effective means of reaching a broader audience in a short period. The use of PPC ads allows you to reach your target audience in the shortest possible time. A significant advantage of PPC advertising is that one only has to pay if someone clicks on the ads themselves.

Factors Affecting PPC Pricing Structure

There are several factors that influence PPC pricing. It is usually determined by these factors that the PPC price for your business reaches a certain level. Let’s take a closer look at each of these.

  • Keywords to be used
  • Ad Rank
  • Bid placed
  • Budget for your ad campaign
  • Target audience
  • Industry in which your business operates

Keywords to be used:
There is a direct correlation between the keywords you bid on and the PPC cost. There is evidence that keyword competition and intent play a role in PPC pricing. The four types of search intent are navigational, informational, transactional, and commercial. Keywords with commercial or transactional intent will have a higher cost per click than keywords with informational intent. It is because these intent keywords are most likely to generate conversions and leads.

Ad Rank:
Your Ad Rank is the quality score multiplied by the maximum bid from your side. In response to a search query, Google Adwords will determine if any companies are bidding on relevant keywords. Upon finding such ads, an auction will be initiated, and all relevant ads will be put up for auction by Google, and each ad’s Ad Rank will be determined.

Bid placed:
Once your campaign has been set up, you must decide on and set a maximum bid for the ads that will run for your business. Generally speaking, the more you bid, the higher your overall PPC cost will be. It is possible to set bids manually or you may opt for an automated bidding process. The automated bidding system will select the appropriate bidding limit, which again will have an impact on the final overall PPC pricing structure.

Budget for your ad campaign:
You should estimate how much you are willing to spend on Google PPC ads. In order to avoid overpaying for your ads, you should decide your spending limit well in advance. Your business’s ad campaign budget will ultimately determine how much you pay your PPC service provider.

Targeted Audience:
A major advantage of PPC is the targeting capabilities that can be utilised to identify the exact audience to which your products or services are targeted. For PPC campaigns with a limited budget, these targeting options are essential to maximising your return on investment.

Industry in which the business operates:
PPC pricing is heavily influenced by the industry in which your business operates. You will experience a lower CPC if you sell vehicles compared to law and order bids. It is estimated that the average CPC is between two and three pounds. There will be a variation in CPC based on the industry in which your business operates.

PPC Pricing Guide Banner Price

Package Details
Ad Spend Limit £4500 £25000 £35000 £50000 Book A Call
Initial Optimisation Fee & Setup(Inc first months management) £1500 £2250 or 15% of Ad Spend £3500 or 12% of Ad Spend £7500 or 12% of Ad Spend Book A Call
Google PPC Network Book A Call
Google Local Service Ads Book A Call
Campaign Strategy Book A Call
Detailed Keyword Research Book A Call
Website Industry Analysis Book A Call
Ad copies Book A Call
Keywords Report Used In The Ads Book A Call
GA 4 Data Book A Call
Rule Based Bid Setup Book A Call

Get Ready To Invest In PPC Services Today With Reposition!

Now that you are more familiar with what PPC is and how it works, the best thing you can do for your business is to take the leap and start a PPC campaign for your business with Reposition. In addition to being more convenient, PPC services are also taking advantage of the technology available today. Companies are encouraged to take advantage of the digital trend to meet the needs of their clients and customers.

A PPC campaign is a cost-effective method of reaching a larger audience quickly, with little effort on your part. We offer a wide range of services that are easy to use and designed to help you grow your business.

Contact Reposition today to ensure that your business ranks high on Google’s search results. To increase traffic to your business, we make sure to use Google Adwords. In no time at all, you will be gaining market share and clients with the help of our team of experts.

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PPC (Pay-Per-Click) FAQs

How Much Does PPC Cost?

You can expect to pay between £250 to £70 million for your business PPC ad campaign. Several factors determine the cost of PPC, including the business industry, the target audience, keywords, the budget, and more.

What Is An Average PPC Cost?

You can expect to pay between £2.50 to £3.50 as an average PPC. In the legal industry, click-through rates are highest, while in the dating and personal sectors, click-through rates are lowest.

How Much Should You Spend On A PPC Campaign?

To market on the Google search network, companies should expect to pay £2.50 to £3.50 per click. Depending on the time of year, small and medium-sized businesses spend between £5,000 and £9,000 per month on PPC.

Are PPC Ads Worth It?

The use of paid search ads on Google and social media is a great way to reach your target audience. A PPC campaign is estimated to generate around 200% of return on investment. The conversion rate is also high, which leads to more profit for the business.

How Much Should You Spend On PPC Per Month?

According to statistics, small and medium-sized businesses spend between £5,000 and £9,000 per month on PPC, depending on the time of year. You can spend more if your budget permits it and you’re seeing high ROIs on your campaigns.

Can I Do PPC Myself?

If you are not familiar with the terms associated with PPC and Google ad campaigns, we recommend that you do not attempt them. If you are capable of managing Google ads on your own, then you should go ahead and do so. The use of half knowledge will not benefit you, on the contrary, it may cause you problems and increase your costs.

How Much Do PPC Consultants Charge?

Typically, you can expect to pay your PPC consultants between £5,000 and £30,000. Depending on the plan you have chosen, it may vary. Additionally, it is dependent on how long your PPC campaign has been running.

Is PPC And SEO The Same?

There is a significant difference between PPC and SEO. The results of PPC will be short-term in nature. Long-term results can be achieved through SEO. Nevertheless, SEO is a continuous process.

Does One Need A Website For A PPC Ad Campaign?

Not at all. I would not say so. Regardless of whether you have a website, you can create ads to advertise your services or products. If you have a YouTube channel, you may also run a PPC ad campaign for it.

How To Set A Budget For A PPC Campaign?

A PPC budget is based on several factors, such as the keywords you wish to target, the target audience, the sector of your business, and the amount you are willing to spend on advertising. After considering these factors, you can decide on your PPC budget.

What Are The Three Types Of PPC?

The three types of PPC are Sponsored Product Ads, Headline Search Ads and Product Display Ads

What Is The Most Used PPC?

There is no doubt that Google Ads is one of the most popular and widely used advertising platforms. PPC is often included in the marketing mix of advertisers with PPC strategies.

How Long Should A PPC Campaign Last?

This will depend on your PPC budget and how long you are willing to run the ad. It is suggested you run your ad for at least 3 months for results.

How Long Does It Take For PPC To Start Working?

It is common for some people to believe that they will see results overnight. Depending on the business, they may do so. However, it takes at least three months for the results to be visible.