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Personalised Content: A Comprehensive Guide 2024

    Reposition Services UK
    author image
    By Hitesh
    January 8, 2024
    ~ 6 minutes to read
    Hitesh is a digital marketing strategist and entrepreneur with more than 15 years of experience in digital marketing, start-ups, branding, and customer acquisition strategies. Hitesh is the CEO and Founder of Reposition Group, which specialises in digital growth strategies.

    Personalised content has become a crucial part of marketing success, allowing brands to provide tailored experiences that resonate with target audiences. This extensive guide will explore what personalisation is, why it matters, and how to effectively implement it into your 2024 content strategy for UK consumers.

    What is Personalised Content and Why Does it Matter?

    Personalised content refers to messaging and experiences designed specifically for each individual interacting with your brand, using data and insights about them to customise it to their needs and preferences.

    The goal is to make every consumer feel valued, understood and catered to directly. Rather than taking a generic, one-size-fits-all approach, personalised content aims to provide a bespoke journey that connects more deeply with each person.

    This tailored experience is becoming expected, especially with frequent interactions. UK consumers want to feel important to brands, not like just another anonymous visitor. Personalisation sets you apart in a crowded market.

    According to a recent Twilio study, 49% of UK consumers are more likely to become repeat buyers after a personalised experience. 1 in 3 also say they will choose a brand they’ve had a good experience with, even when cheaper options exist.

    In an increasingly competitive digital landscape, personalisation is becoming critical for resonating with audiences and driving real business results:

    • Boosts engagement – Personalised content is more likely to grab attention, interest users, and encourage them to convert or re-engage.
    • Strengthens loyalty – By customising for each user, brands build deeper connections and satisfaction.
    • Improves conversions – Tailored messages convert better by speaking directly to individual needs and pain points.
    • Enhances brand image – Personalisation shows users that brands value and respect them as more than just metrics.
    • Futureproofs marketing – As technology evolves, personalisation will only increase in importance and complexity.

    The data shows incorporating personalisation is no longer an option – it’s a necessity for long-term success.

    How To Implement Personalised Content Strategies

    Executing an effective personalisation plan requires several key steps:

    Understand and Segment Your Core Audiences

    Get to know your diverse range of target users in-depth before personalising. While the goal is customised messaging, having a solid understanding of core audience segments is crucial.

    Look to strategically divide users into groups based on key factors like:

    • Location – Tailor content and offers according to users in specific UK regions. Adjust for local climate, events, regulations etc.
    • Age – Appeal to different generations by adjusting tone, language, recommendations etc. Millennials have very different needs from Baby Boomers.
    • Buyer journey stage – Engage users differently whether they’re new visitors, repeat customers, or inactive. Shape messaging accordingly.
    • Interests – Create segments focused on specific needs, hobbies and preferences to align content.

    Take care not to over-segment and make things too granular. Broad groups segmented smartly provide a strong foundation.

    Provide True Value to Each Audience

    Take time to understand what resonates with you intimately and provides value to each defined audience group. Analyse past engagement patterns, run surveys, read customer service transcripts, monitor reviews etc. Identify their major needs, frustrations and goals to shape content accordingly.

    Continuously analyse website analytics data to see what content and formats perform well with each segment and where users commonly drop off. Watch how they navigate through sites and make purchases. Shape future content to aid their journey.

    Talk to frontline staff interacting with customers daily. UX and CX teams are also invaluable to gain insights directly from users.

    Ethically Collect Customer Data Points

    While respecting privacy, the more relevant data you can safely and legally collect, the more opportunities exist to tailor interactions. Useful details include:

    • Purchase history – Identify trends and preferences for each user to recommend appropriate products and services.
    • Site behaviour – Monitor what pages they visit, items they view, links they follow etc. Use this to tailor content to demonstrated interests.
    • Demographics – Details like age, location and gender allow further customisation when provided voluntarily. Just ensure it is needed.
    • Direct input – Ask for information directly through surveys, quizzes, contact forms etc. It provides accurate personal details and preferences.
    • App usage – Mobile apps provide rich behavioural data from loyal users if permissions are granted.

    Collecting consent and being transparent is vital. Data protection laws must be followed. Don’t be intrusive; only gather what is genuinely useful to improve experiences.

    Map the Buyer’s Journey to Plan Content

    With research and data gathered, map out the typical buyer’s journey for each audience segment across channels. Identify their needs, objections, and motivations at each stage.

    Plan formats and messaging tailored to guide users through this custom journey. Leave room to incorporate personal details at touchpoints – names, past purchases, behaviour etc.

    The goal is resonating content that progresses each user towards conversion. Well-planned personalisation also allows easy testing and improvements.

    Execute and Optimise Your Strategy

    With planning complete, execute content across channels tailored to target groups and individuals within them. Focus on useful recommendations, tailored offers, personalised messaging and more.

    Avoid overdoing it – subtle touches tailored to the individual often resonate most. If users feel manipulated or that their privacy is breached, it damages trust. Transparency is key.

    Regularly A/B tests content variations and optimises based on performance data. Refine approaches, fix weak points, and improve personalisation to constantly evolve the experience.

    Types Of Personalised Content To Consider

    A wide variety of content and message types can be tailored to boost engagement. Popular examples include:

    Personalised Product Recommendations

    One of the most effective applications. Use individual user behaviour data to display suggested products and services likely to interest them.

    This allows highly targeted cross-sells and the discovery of new relevant inventory they may convert on. Get recommendations right and users will value them.

    Personalised Emails

    Emails present multiple options for personalisation using subscriber details like name, preferences, purchase history etc. This significantly lifts open and click-through rates.

    Personalise subject lines, copy, content recommendations, special offers, and more to match the recipient. Send behavioural or event-triggered emails when data indicates they will resonate.

    Targeted Social Media Ads

    Display different ad creatives to specific segments where you know they will be most relevant based on past behaviour and declared interests.

    Effective personalisation pairs offer audiences almost certain to engage. Ensure tracking is in place to optimise.

    Tailored Website Content

    Adjust key website content like banners, hero sections and articles to match known user interests and characteristics. Welcome users personally where possible.

    Refreshing content dynamically this way can make sites feel more unique on each visit. But take care not to be creepy.

    Personalised App Experiences

    Mobile apps allow deep personalisation thanks to direct access to detailed behaviour data. User preferences can shape content, offers, journey paths and more.

    Gamify the experience and provide exclusive app-only deals. But ensure users’ consent, and always give control over data sharing.

    Key Personalisation Tools And Technology

    Personalised Content

    Several key technologies enable scalable personalisation:

    • CRM Platforms – Collect unified customer data and house preferences to shape interactions.
    • Dedicated Personalisation Tools – Services like Adobe Target allow easy management, A/B testing and optimisation.
    • Tag Management Systems – Collect behaviour data from web/apps to inform personalisation.
    • Email Marketing Platforms – Automate personalised, targeted email campaigns based on custom attributes.
    • DXPs – Pull visitor data to adjust site content dynamically.
    • CDPs – Create unified profiles to understand customers and orchestrate personal experiences across channels.
    • Machine Learning – Processes data to find patterns and automate intelligent personalisation at scale.

    Integrations between platforms provide full cross-channel personalisation powered by all available data. However, human oversight of AI is still vital.

    Getting Started With Personalisation

    Beginning personalisation may seem daunting, but following best practices helps ensure success:

    • Start small – Introduce basic name or location-based elements and expand. Don’t overcomplicate early efforts.
    • Focus on value – Only use data to enhance experience, not be intrusive. Transparency and consent are mandatory.
    • Test rigorously – Set KPIs and use tools like A/B testing to optimise frequently. Failure is expected; learn and improve.
    • Provide control – Give users access to data collection and use. Allow opt-outs and preference management.
    • Innovate ethically – Consider privacy implications and social responsibilities before introducing new tech and techniques.

    With the right strategy, technology and respect for consumers, personalisation can transform marketing. Succeeding takes testing, learning and commitment to keep innovating. Treat it as an ongoing journey.

    Conclusion: The Future Of Personalisation

    Personalisation in marketing is still evolving quickly, with custom experiences increasingly being demanded by UK consumers from their favourite brands.

    Powerful new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning will enable ever-more complex and seamless personal experiences across channels.

    But ultimately, success requires brands never to lose sight of consumer needs. Use data ethically to enhance relevance and sentiment. Avoid superficial gimmicks.

    Adopting the strategies and best practices outlined here will set your brand up for personalisation success in 2024 and beyond. Treat each customer as an individual, not a metric. Build marketing around their changing needs, not interrupting their journey.

    The brands that continually test and innovate to make interactions feel human will lead markets. Combine digital capabilities with emotional intelligence when personalising. This extensive guide provided the key steps to achieve this in the UK moving forward. Invest now and reap the rewards.